Build your own computer could be an easier said than done project, if you are not prepared. It’ll be very soon when you start to get overwhelmed from all the information about hardware changes, components compatibility or even just by recommendation from others. Or maybe you just have no clue at all.
Let it be known again that you can simplify a lot of these unnecessary doubts just by starting from small steps. First give it a break and answer yourself a few of these questions, just to determine what type of computers fits you best. Then use my guide to help you get the best system for your money.
- What is this computer used for? Is it a workstation, gaming or a home theater pc?
- A workstation normally requires a lot more memory, multi-core processor, high storage capacity and sometimes special video card for movie or graphics editing.
- A gaming system may not need as much disk space and memory, but it surely must have a decent video card.
- Home theater PC types, on the flipside, should minimize all potential heat issues by reducing the existence of video card, disk drives as well as noise level by keeping the fan counts as low as possible. (Thanks Captain, for the useful infos! )
- Who are going to use it ? Who will mainly make use of the system or who are you building the computer for? This helps you to further decide the purposes of your custom computer.
- What is the budget for the whole system ? Do not overdo yourself, neither be too strict over a few dollars because it could make a whole lot of difference. However, set a limitation just so you can get the best bang for your bucks.
- What Operating System are you going to use ? Building a custom computer gives you much broader options to choose an ideal operating system for your rig. If you want to take full advantages of the new hardware, you probably have to stick with at least Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit edition. You could also run a Hackintosh where your custom PC running Apple iOS (Mac), or if it is a server you can run Ubuntu or some other versions of Linux. You may want to pay attention to the expense on OS and should consider it to be part of the budget. Take a look at Custom PC Guide dot net’s Online Store to see the list of all current Windows Operating Systems.
How long do you plan to keep this computer? How often do you want to upgrade the system? A custom computer may cost a bit more if you intend to run it for years to come because the internal components should be close to the latest on the market.
- Know the component manufacturer’s warranty. It will suddenly become important when things gone wrong. Be sure you are not caught off guard with a broken system for weeks. If the store offers warranty such as Protection Plan on NewEgg or MicroCenter’s Replacement Plan, get them for the main components (such as CPU, Motherboard, Video Card and Power Supply). MicroCenter’s plan could be considered as one of the best on the market because it covers accidental damage and covers the product under any conditions. You can turn the hardware and get full in-store credit to upgrade to the next generation system any time within 2 or 3 years.
When you absolutely have all of those above figured out, it is time to choose the components for your system build. First you probably want to choose the best CPU match for your system, head over to Choosing an AMD or Intel Processor for Your Custom Computer to have a better understanding of current processor generations.
You can also refer to the Custom PC Builds s List to simplify your research. I have document all common cost-efficient builds that I have done for my local customers on this list, a little more or less. The collection is a work on process, therefore there will be more configurations to be shared in the near future, after I have done my homework on testing and assembling them successfully.
Remember, always learn about your hardware and look out for the best price you can get. I recommend you to join Custom PC Guide Facebook page to get informed of daily special deals and get to know the BYOPC community as well!